OPATRA Dome Skin Analysis System
Used by the beauty, medical and aesthetic skincare professionals, the skin analyzer system is the world’s most advanced skin detection equipment that captures multispectral photos of the face, examining the complexion of fine lines and wrinkles, spots, pores, texture, porphyrins, UV spots, moisture, and pigmentation.
What can the OPATRA Dome Skin Analysis System do for me?
The OPATRA DOME facial skin analyzer clinically measures the surface and subsurface of the skin using the state-of-the-art digital imagery, using RGB visible light, PL polarized light, and UV spectrum imaging technology, combined with artificial intelligence and image analysis.
Here at Saach Aesthetic, we can use the Dome to analyse your skin to create a detailed, customized report of the in-depth state of your skin. The Dome captures multispectral photos of the face, examining the complexion of:
- fine lines & wrinkles
- spots & pores
- skin texture
- porphyrins
- UV spots & sun damage
- moisture
- pigmentation
We can use customized reports to work with you and document your skin treatment progress with easy to understand information and detailed examination.
We can easily capture consistent, repeatable facial images with 3D visual tools and side by side comparisons to help motivate you on your journey, as well as develop more accurately targeted treatment programs than ever before.
The Perfect Finishing Touch
The OPATRA Dome Skin Analysis System can be booked as a stand-alone treatment, or recieve 50% off when booking alongside all other skin treatments.